June 5, 2013 |
Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix Las Vegas is coming super quick and we can’t wait for you to see our set up!
We are proud to announce Steve Argyle and Michael C. Hayes will be signing cards and autographs at our booth. We will also have a first look at samples and soon to be released colors of our Spellbooks as well as new shirts and girls tanks exclusively at Grand Prix Las Vegas! Come check out the booth its gonna be sweet!
The Format for this event is Modern Masters Sealed Deck / Booster Draft
Tournament Location
Cashman Center
850 Las Vegas Blvd N
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Click here for map
Registration: $60
Friday June 21, 2013, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m
Saturday June 22, 2013, 7 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Be sure to check out the official site here and the event coordinators, Cascade Games site. here
http://www.cascadegames.com/events/933 Make sure you stop by on friday because they are having a free mini masters event, which means that even if you lose you still get free packs so why the hell not?!
Dont forget to tag all your tweets with the events official hashtag #gpvegas and our #signinblood to show us some love!
Grand Prix Las Vegas event promo
The event promo is super sweet too!

All in all we are super stoked for this event, the preregistration is already over 1300 players making it already the 14th largest Grand Prix in North America ever! We still have at three weeks until the event so I can only imagine what the numbers will be by then. Where are you guys staying? leave a comment because we would love to hear what you plan on doing when you get there!
June 3, 2013 |
The winner of May’s altered art contest is Charles Glaspie! email [email protected] with your address so we can get your cards out to you!
May 21, 2013 |
Altered a playlet of Force of Wills
the lighting was at night and really doesn’t do them justice though, they were lovely, however. Hope you enjoy them….;)
GP Portland was a huge Success thank you to everyone who purchased our products! Check out the article Heather Dawn Meek ( @revisedangel ) on twitter posted about Scott and Sign in Blood!
May 8, 2013 |
Got the go ahead that I can post here as often as I like, which is pretty awesome. Here are a few things I’ve been up to. Comment, and I just may give one of these away to you this week
what do you think?
All you have to do is follow the blood artist blog and comment to win!
A lot of the time, people are apprehensive about getting their dual lands altered. Maybe it’s the cost, maybe it’s sentimentality, after all, a lot can go wrong when you are painting on a 3 inch piece of cardboard nearly worth it’s wait in gold. However, there is nothing like the look of reassured splendor on the face of someone who has just seen their pimped land for the first time…and boy oh boy, I do think they look beautiful when they are done. The sky’s the limit.
Altered underground sea
May 2, 2013 |
With the official release of Dragon’s Maze coming this Friday, I’m sure many of you are stoked about a number of the cards from the new set. Excitedly peeling open my pre-release packs, the first thing that struck me about my new cards were the images. So much beautiful new art in the newest expansion that our friend’s at Wizards of the Coast have graced us with. How about the new fuse mechanic? I am especially partial to turn and burn. That card saved my butt in a few rounds. How about you? What are you most excited about regarding Dragon’s Maze? I’d love to hear what you think.
Oh, and I haven’t forgotten about this month’s altered art contest! This week, one lucky winner will receive an altered breaking and entering, and sire of insanity from the new set! Stay tuned…
April 9, 2013 |
We have just confirmed that we will be going Grand Prix Portland and Promoting Sign in Blood. We will be giving out Spell Books to the first 200 participants in the Grand Prix. Look out for us the weekend of May 10-12th can’t wait to see you there!
March 20, 2013 |

It has been announced recently the M14 core set will NOT have the usual core set duals. This leaves us to wonder, what will they have in their place? Onslaught block fetches? something totally different? what do you guys think?